

: Falling.

: “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.” ~Flannery O’Connor, …

: “Over the past decade, students have become overwhelmed by the reading. College kids have never read …

: I Worried by Mary Oliver I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth …

: “It’s a healthy reminder that not everything needs to be a battle. As parents, we can get better at …

: It’s a shame that the new “Hide distracting items” feature in Safari doesn’t work in Apple News.

: “People who pay for shoddy products or careless services and people who are robbed outright are …

: Friday Night.

: Reading by the riverside.




: “A priest and the Baptist are sitting together on the plane. The priest orders a glass of wine, the …


: ““When you have gone too far…the only mending is to come home” From Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry

: “The problem with holding a grudge is that it makes your hands too full to do anything …

: The mind that comes to rest is tended In ways that it cannot intend: Is borne, preserved, and …

: Brunch?

: “A great relationship is not only finding the person you have fun with, but also finding the …

: “Nothing good ever comes from indulging the egos of old men.” From Political Proverbs.



: Water Lillies.

: Food for thought on the 4th



: River.

: “I used to think that basically, the whole world, that all humanity were basically bastards. I’ve …

: Saturday.

: “Wilbur Wright explained that were he ‘giving a young man advice as to how he might …

: Sunday Morning Coffee.

: Northern lights in southern Ohio.

: Totality.

: Foliage.

: Card.

: Flowers.

: Toy.

: Food for the mind and soul.

: Anticipation.




: Sunday night vibes.


: Grieving things lost and people let go.

: Merry Christmas!

: Hot take: digital necromancy should be outlawed.

: Winter Wonderlazy…


: ‘Tia the season.

: Craig Mod’s latest project, “Things Become Other Things,” is available to order …

: Smoke.

: Fall.


: On Swiftiedom This is strangely entertaining and informative and fascinating and I didn’t mean …

: Understanding Variation Finished “Understanding Variation”by Donald J Wheeler. I’ll need to reread it and follow up with …

: Kaleidoscope. 🎵

: Diving into The Organized Mind 📚

: Rx. 🎶

: Gezellig. 🎵

: A snap of my beverage and someone else’s that they left behind. 📷

: Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Coffee Roboto. ☕️

: “Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just …


: Channeling my inner CGPGrey🐝. Starting in on Understanding Variation 📚

: AA Flightline @ CLT

: auf Wiedersehen, Frankfurt.

: Gunung Gede.

: Sudirman Street in Bandung.

: Coffee in Bandung.

: WWDC 2023

: Hidden Dimsum. Hawche in Bogor

: Lunch at Lawless Burgerbar.

: Selamat sore, Jakarta.

: Brave? Our oldest’s choir sang this the other night and the girls have sung it in the car a time or two …

: Springtime in Ohio.

: Concentric.

: Waiting.

: Excellent reporting by and Nicole Nguyen on how thieves can steal our …

: February in Ohio.

: I’ve never really been able to articulate my dislike of Android, especially to it’s users, but this …

: Winding down.

: Blood Orange Salmon.

: Garlic Rosemary Pork Chops

: New year, new planner.

: Finished reading: Upgrade by Blake Crouch 📚

: ““In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi applied to the New York City government for the first license to make …

: “Aristotle compared the sovereign rule by “the mass of people” to a great potluck dinner party: “For …

: “Science used to be a solo endeavor. A monk with some pea plants could figure out genetics. Today, …

: Cortado.

: “A Book on a Sunday allows you to travel. To escape. To become a better gardener, a more …

: “But these long-haul people, they find a thing they want to do, that needs doing, that they do well, …

: Leave the edges wild…

: A Day in the Life driving the Appalachian Highway across southern Ohio this morning.

: “It is a brave thing indeed to trust there may yet be good amongst the broken parts of our souls, to …

: Dinner and a view.

: “A Perfect Old Fashioned…Does not exist. It’s fiction. Fantasy. A flat out lie. Anyone …

: Today’s office.

: Annie Dillard: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this …

: “When it comes to technology, my knowledge largely comes from my lack of fear over trying new things …

: Fountain.

: Refreshment.

: “For the history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidences that a …

: Our year old niece Bethany passed away early on July 12th as a result of injuries from an car …

: Summertime.

: Saturday morning vibes.

: WWDC 2022

: “We were told they wanted to conserve the old time religion. What they wanted was to conquer their …

: CarPlay. Woot.

: Fun.

: Lunch. #schoolsout

: Wendell Berry on Marriage “The meaning of marriage begins in the giving of words. We cannot join ourselves to one another …

: The newish currently reading book cover feature on Kindle is probably making me happier than it …

: Think Little by Wendell Berry just arrived from Foggy Pine Books. 📚

: If you are an American Christian and fail to condemn the fundamental evil of White Nationalism seen …

: More purgatory.

: Purgatory.

: After one day’s use, I’m really loving the iPhone 12 mini. It’s a nice balance between old and new. …

: Relax and review.

: “We all participate in the economy of extraction when we practice the belief that our Earth has no …

: Finally finished reading: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow 📚

: “In a society that is growing radically more secular every day, I’d say we have more to fear from …

: Weekend reading.

: On Road Trips From Huckberry: “I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but I do want to tell you that …

: The Worst Case From The Atlantic: “If we are lucky, this fraught and dysfunctional election cycle will reach a …

: If 2020 has you down, hang on. “It won’t be as long as it has been.”

: New Pen.

: “Tom Cotton” should be come a euphemism for espousing an idea so abjectedly evil and offensive that …

: Jeepish.

: Delight.

: It’s that most magical time of the year wherein I dig up the hot toddy recipe @patrickrhone shared …

: New mercy comes with every morning The unexpected with no warning For loved ones who’ve gone …

: From “Human Intervention as a Competitive Advantage” by Derek Sivers Minimizing or Maximizing? When everyone else is trying to automate everything, using a little human …

: Ready.

: from Questionnaire by Wendell Barry In the name of patriotism and the flag, how much of our beloved …

: Fire.

: Procrastination is perhaps the worst, most damaging failure of all. We who believe in Jesus, who …

: Coffee time.

: Teh Tarik. Woot.

: Barenaked delight.

: Coffee and bananas.

: Coffee.

: Current Status.

: Its almost like they applied instagram croping and filters to the image: …

: See the wild, customized creations of Indonesia’s ‘rebel riders’ “The ultimate rite of passage for a Vespa enthusiast is long-term travel: a deeply personal journey …

: “In church on Sunday, we sang a hymn unfamiliar to me in which we asked the Lord to deliver us from …

: If you’re not part of the Craig Mod’s The _________ Explorers Club, you should be. …

: A journey implies a destination, so many miles to be consumed, while a walk is its own measure, …

: "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the …

: Love and Revelation.

: Just started reading Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism and it sounds a lot like @PatrickRhone so far. …

: My open tabs are a life commentary.

: from “Los Lunas” “I can fix anything except for me. It’s easy.” -Karin Bergquist …

: If you are a sales rep for a vendor and use the phrase “circle back” with me in a …

: So excited…

: This.…

: “The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who …

: Brennan Manning in The Ragamuffin Gospel: “When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I …

: Maybe its finally time to kick Instagram to the curb:…

: Anticipation.

: When your 6 year-old requests Over the Rhine for the ride to church. @karinbergquistsing …

: Skaters.

: and Emma Jane.

: Candy Cane.

: Joy.

: Nemesis.

: Barn.

: Mondays.

: I wonder how long it will take @helengullett to se this post….

: Princess.

: Tribal.

: Flags.

: Rose 3.0

: Rose 2.0

: Rose.

: Waiting. #lookupchildtour

: More laughter.

: Laughter.

: Sisters?

: This morning’s office.

: Hello Kitty is my copilot.

: Maybe I should have read the manual.

: A watermelon milkshake is the best way to wrap up a camping trip.

: I have an axe, a knife and a fire. Don’t tempt me ducks. #bebekpanggang #goodeats

: Making breakfast.

: Down to my last Camping Gaz cartridge for my trusty old Bluet. And the odds of finding another are …

: Morning.

: Some people arrive way early for games, concerts or parades. We came early for this.

: Sunrise.

: Waiting.

: Mother’s Day.

: Biscuits

: Morning.

: 2018 is looking up.

: Yoda.

: Anticipation.

: ‘‘Twas the night…”

: Take it from the top.

: 2017 pt 2.

: 2017 so far.

: Adulting.

: Cupcakes.

: Fall. #allthewords

: Flags.

: Ahhhhhhhhhh. #contentment

: Hello.

: Sunday. #nockshots @fieldnotesbrand @penaddict

: getspectrum Not too shabby.

: School day. #twinning

: Woot! #Sapelo #nockshots

: Spinning.

: Ouch. #wereallok #latergram

: Yum.

: Almost.

: Independence.

: Dear Indonesians, This is called breakfast. Love, Dave.

: Almost.

: Leaving.

: Loved.

: Gereja.

: Jagung Bakar.

: Kepiting. Only $422.84

: Donuts.

: Es Krim.

: Pujian.

: Up.

: Ice cream.

: The Queen.

: Frosty. X2

: Ikan dan kolumbi.

: Danau.

: Lunch.

: Lokon 2.

: Lokon.

: Feeding more birds.

: Feeding the birds.

: Burung.

: Desa Wisata.

: This is us.

: “The Beauty of a Heron” by Abigail

: Istrahat.

: Where we were and where are hearts remain….

: Leaving on a 3 hour tour. Which was supposed to be 30 minutes. But a dead motor and an unexpected …

: On approach to Doha.

: Bonfire.

: On the ocean.

: Almost.

: Orchids.

: And this girl also.

: This girl.

: Passing the time.

: Waiting.

: Silly.

: Mother’s Day!

: Noodle time.

: Fire.

: Roasting donuts over an open fire.

: krispykreme Is that little red sign supposed to discourage daydreams about hijacking your trucks? …

: Dell 700m running Ubuntu 9.10. Haven’t booted since 2009 when @helengullett got her MacBook. …

: Hmmm.

: Real Girl imagination power.

: Mini Girl SCIENCE Power.

: Mini Girl power.

: smarrig.

: City time.

: New ‘do.

: Baptism.

: Last Easter Lily.

: Lilac?

: Egg hunt.

: Abigail.

: Emma.

: Tripled my “Move Goal”. #yardwork #deskjockey

: Tulip.

: Spring.

: Soccer.

: Soccer.

: Golden Star Lilly.

: Blue skies. Yard tools. Grilling out. Top off the Jeep. #Spring

: ThunderCats Ho!

: Ouch.

: Finally subscribed to @nytimes @washingtonpost @NewYorker and @TheAtlantic yesterday. “The only …

: Too bad @helengullett is out of town. Came home to @jenisicecreams on the front porch.

: Wind in the pines. #ohio

: Rainy afternoons are for reading. #bestbookmarkever

: Avast ye scalawags!

: Teatime.

: New Year.

: Turkey.

: Ready.

: Fog.

: This is us.

: Rambutan di Ohio.

: Sad Jeep. #youshouldseetheotherguy

: Strawberry pie.

: Fancyish.

: Flowers.

: Ohio.

: Spreadsheets.

: Ohio. #notthatflat

: Go fish.

: hello again.

: Fall.

: Doors. #theonlythingaboutfallthatidontlike #nomorefrostbite

: Engine.

: Cornbread.

: Gumbo.

: Roux the day.

: Trinity.

: Gungor. #newmusictuesday

: “My mission in life is not to be right, it is to be loving.” Go get this book-its out …

: Hey babe just hold this rope…til everyone is ready. #leftholdingthepiñata

: “Chim chiminey, chim chiminey Chim chim cheree!”

: Yep. Grilling.

: Ready.

: Oh, the places…

: Viewfinder.

: Moonlit.

: Cairn.

: Kites.

: Corn.

: Memorial.

: Lighthouse. #obligatory

: Road Trip Ready.

: Because astrophysicists are naturally good barbers. #stayinschoolkids

: Ha. And @helengullett thinks she’s the crafty one. #butterflyhouse

: So stoked to receive a prerelease cooy of the latest by @mikefoster2000. #whoami #whatamiherefor

: Smile.

: Dragon Wagon.

: Ice cream. #fukuryuramenUSA #selfiewithfukuryu

: Sweet Corn and Black Raspberries. #awesome @jenisicecreams

: jenisicecreams um…yes, please?

: Crane.

: 365 years.

: Origami Butterflies.

: Firefly.

: The seventh circle.

: LEGOs.

: Keynote. #WWDC

: The devil has many faces. Pat’s is just one.

: Napping at @rei.

: Grilling. #oops

: Hike.

: Grill.

: Time for #SC16. Swing by if you’re in the area.

: Saturday.

: Art.

: 100MB FTW!! #TBT

: Two peas in a pod.

: hammock.

: nicholas.gullett and @perfectlypoured with our dad back in the day.

: 5441 days.

: Spring.

: Never any excuse.

: Trying to teach the children some culture.

: The only nice thing about @helengullett being out of town is I get to be in charge of the …

: Lord of the Flies.

: Nothing says “I love Jesus” like an awesome (and discounted) Bible cover.

: Ten years and a million miles. #Mockingbird.

: How to wake up a grumpy six year old.

: Brochures.

: Tabula rasa.

: Turkey.

: Merry Christmas!

: Candlelight 2.

: Candlelight.

: Morning.

: Pie.

: The girls used all their cuteness and sweetness to convince me to play Christmas songs before …

: Fortune.

: For ice cream.

: I scream…

: Happy Fountain Pen Day!

: Fall.

: Guess what froze over.

: Harvest.

: How Ohio wishes you happy birthday.

: A little Frost on this fall morning.

: It’s hard to photograph the Batman.

: An interesting look at our life.

: Death to even numbered Windows releases.

: An inauspicious start to #nationalcoffeeday

: The joy of simple things.

: Reading. #magictreehouse

: A sad sight in the morning.

: Shame on you @officialmopar #YJ #20gallons #oldjeeps

: Ice cream.

: “So keep on coming, these lines on the road…”

: Jet lagged.

: Hello old friend

: Life’s a zoo.

: Shoes.

: Api.

: Lebaran Enak.

: Boats.

: Roar.

: Blind Date.

: Sunset.

: Palm.

: Summer.

: Corn and cousins.

: Reading. #HappyFourth

: CJ7.

: Room with a View.

: Lemonade. And a volcano.

: Jeep.

: Dinner.

: Discovered a strange device on the desk at our hotel.

: Sunset.

: Chandelier.

: Ice Cream.

: Put your hands in the air, Maurice.

: June 14th.

: Batik.

: Aargh maties.

: Poodle.

: Ice cream. #since1932

: Pancake.

: jonacuff Do Over sighting in Indonesia. @books_beyond

: Gulai Kambing.

: Pink.

: Our girls.

: Groovy.

: Selamat pagi.

: Hello old friend. #nocheesedonutsplease


: The Colonel would be proud.

: pattyarrick Saw this while running errands today and thought it might interest you.

: Darkest Secret.

: Backgammon. At 6AM. With a 6yr old.

: Picture book.

: Frosty Time.

: helengullett Selamat Hari Ibu!

: Deep.

: Play.

: Jump.

: Waterfall.

: Waiting.

: Cupcake.

: Yep.

: Soundtrack.

: Current Status.

: Saturday.

: Spreadsheet. #obfusicated

: Eggs?

: Today’s inflight entertainment.

: Alright US Airways, don’t break my heart. Again. #EscapeFromLA

: Morning. #EscapeFromLA Part 2

: Sunset. #NoEscapeFromLA

: Ugh.

: Coffee. #Storyville

: Winter.

: Snacktime.

: Reinstalling Windows. #jobsecurity

: Found the latest from @donmilleris waiting in the mailbox.

: Irony.

: craftnlore is giving away a sweet Field Notes cover. #nwwgiveaway

: It’s a far cry from Canada or the Adirondacks, but for around here it’s pretty chilly …

: Time to b̸i̸t̸e̸ the bullet. #soontobe sleepless

: Dunkers.

: This is our girls’ favorite this season.

: Saturday morning soundtrack. #BloodOranges

: Merry Christmas!!!

: Want.

: Excuse me, do you have Prince Albert in the can?

: It’s Fountain Pen Day.

: Pompom

: Morning.

: Fall is here. Finally had to put the soft top back on the Jeep. O|||||||O

: Jeeping & Peeping.

: Time to upgrade.

: Whachyournameis?

: Hello?

: Found this gem today at a used bookstore. Now if only I owned a CD player.

: Snack time.

: Confucius?

: Morning.

: Mobile office.

: Two years ago.

: Watching Fireworks. #latergram

: The long dark wait is over: The Pen Addict: 116: Scribbled Out @dowdyism @imyke …

: Yogurt is for superheroes.

: Woohoo.

: Wet.

: Palm house 2.

: Palm House.

: Tree. #365yearsold

: Oh, linen, how I’ve missed ye. #oldmac

: Swing 2.

: Swing.

: Morning.

: Yum.

: Smoky.

: Brasstown Bald.

: Falls 2.

: Falls.

: Checkers.

: Bow.

: Woohoo.

: Morning.

: Yosemite.

: Nap.

: Pears.

: Pool pals.

: Fortune.

: Coda, Coffee and CSS.

: Home away from home.

: Jeeps.

: View.

: Now that’s a phone. #needahandtruck

: Girls.

: Hike.

: Can I play, too?

: Rockin’. @yancynotnancy #supersoap

: Rice Cooker.

: Cheese!

: Purgatory. Defined as a period of suffering with an undetermined length and uncertain outcome.

: T-ball

: Dang you @jonacuff.

: Delightful.

: Woohoo! Swung by the AT&T store this AM and upgraded. #android #donttellmywife

: fieldnotes You’ve got a new fan.

: Happy Girl.

: Hot Chocolate, cookies, ponies and one of my darling girls.

: Fire Again.

: Fire.

: Where’s Clark Griswold when I need him?

: Yep. They’re done.

: After 10 winters it might be time to get new winter boots.

: Wildlights.

: Woohoo.

: Soundtrack for my life. @overtherhine #mmateotw

: Boots.

: Muffintops.

: Morning. Part 2.

: Morning.

: Fall is officially here. #nolongertopless

: Halfway.

: Amazed.

: Jacks.

: Ready.

: After being schooled by a four year old in an Old Maid match.

: Friday night card game.

: Coffee. #IWasWrong

: Birthday cupcake.

: Fully expecting the skies to burst forth with thunder, lightning, hail and rain. #AmGrilling

: Play.

: helengullett I was wrong, I’m sorry and I love you.

: Every stinking cookout.

: Morning. #Allegory #Storyville

: Loving the new coffee mug. Thanks @youversion. Here’s to another 100 million downloads.

: Introducing Helen to more American culture.

: Merdeka! Happy Independence Day Indonesia!!

: Want.

: Relief.

: Houston.

: Anticipation.

: Swing.

: Room with a view. Las Colinas.

: Still hot.

: Windup.

: Duck Dynasty.

: Duck Duck Goose.

: If I stumbled across one of these as a kid it would have been epic.

: Dallas. Lego style.

: I didn’t really plan on seeing this again.

: overtherhine Delight was waiting in my mailbox. #MeetMeAtTheEdgeofTheWorld

: Columbus Skyline.

: Happy place.

: A cannoli worthy of @pontifex.

: Dinner time.

: Dinner.

: Seriously.

: Emma.

: Simon.

: Abigail.

: Karis.

: Speed.

: Breakfast.

: Only slightly less sad and lonely.

: Sad and lonely.

: So sad.

: Haddock, Leeks and Holden Potatoes. #blueapronmeals

: Tiger.

: Chocolate.

: We all scream for ice cream.

: Boston.

: Pork Loin and Rhubarb Chutney with Asparagus and Freekah

: Jeep

: Aromaku - Indonesian Street Food in Columbus? Yes Please.

: Happy girl.

: Hallelujah.

: Same Fear Face Punching but in monochrome. @jonacuff #startbook

: derekwebb live.

: New notebook day. Woohoo.

: Steak Fajitas with Guacamole. Woohoo. #blueaproncontest

: Five deer in the backyard this eve. This one has a wounded leg.

: Roasted chicken with herb salsa, citrus and wheat berries. #blueaproncontest

: Woohoo! Pork Tonkatsu with Miso Cabbage and Brown Rice. #blueaproncontest

: Pan-Seared Acadian Redfish with Remoulade, Frisée Salad and Red Potatoes #blueaproncontest

: Hangar Steak with Purple Potatoes #blueaproncontest

: Look what came in the mail. #SecretChurch @secret_church

: Chicken Noodle Soup with Dill and Fennel. #blueaproncontest

: North African Spiced Shrimp & Couscous. Woohoo! #BlueApronContest

: Stained Glass Skylight from the lobby @theseedcompany

: I think my system is going to get a shock when we return to Ohio tomorrow.

: Bald.

: Brunch.

: Day 13614

: Reading list.

: Good Morning. #platformbook #coffee

: Gado-Gado.

: It’s that most wonderful time of the year.

: Home.

: Woohoo.

: Roebling.

: Bulb.

: Christmas Morning

: Helen’s awesome homemade chicken pot pie. Woohoo.

: Pose.

: Tree.

: It’s not every Saturday afternoon that I can spend loafing around.

: Weapons of Mass Satisfaction #Truce #Cleanup

: Spider-Man or bank robber? @jaymegreene @helengullett

: How to enjoy a Southern Gospel concert.

: Reflections.

: Current Status: Emma

: Current Status: Me

: Muffin Tops.

: Almost time.

: YUM.

: Yum.

: Death to Ratface Jr. #madewithOver

: Time to make an Impact. #Impact #madewithOver Thanks @chrisbrogan & @julien

: Finally.

: Round Two

: Round One

: Finally Tiramisu.

: Love is in the cup.

: Paris Baguette.

: Road Trip food for the brain.

: Hopping while waiting.

: Reading books in the morning.

: Five Fingers.

: If you break it then you kinda have to fix it.

: Oh, the places she’ll go.

: Yep.

: Wrigley.

: Good Morning, Chicago.

: Smashburger.

: Tea Time.

: Skylight.

: Butterfly-eyde view

: Pond.

: Makan Malam Ulang Tahun Pernikahan Ke-4 Skor Helen - 6 vs Kepiting - 0

: Are they for me or Abigail?

: Giddy up.

: First S’more ever!

: Grace Peach…girl on fire.

: I don’t buy many paper books these days, however the latest by @michaelhyatt was a must. …

: One happy mama.

: Mini Martin & Co.

: Totter.

: Teeter.

: Adventure accomplished.

: Made in Indo. Found in Florida.

: Ready for today’s big adventure.

: When linguists are bored.

: Fletch and Amy

: My adopted coffee mug.

: Ready for takeoff.

: Leaving on a jet plane.

: IBC Col.

: Lagu Lagu Pujian

: What matters most.

: Lake Katharine

: Streaming Test for Secret Church #SC12

: Lollipop party

: Swingin’

: Lunchtime.

: Working on a friends Dell. Forgot how huge they are. That’s 2 MacBook Airs stacked beside it.

: My wife, @helengullett, is the hottest ‘cause she Rockin’ the new Hunger Games iOS game.

: Pilot Prera @jetpens is good for my soul but bad for my bank account.

: Current Status.

: In the mail today.

: Hmm…grippy.

: Satisfaction. #Toraja

: Anticipation. #Toraja

: A Necessary Abomination

: Next Week’s Must Do List

: Fell off the Wagon…Again

: Happy Valentine’s via @levenger

: Plumb Tuckered Out.

: Jambalaya Improv

: The other white meat.

: Reading List.

: Guess what….?

: Current Status.

: Dinner. Soon.

: Woohoo!

: Almost ready for an adventure

: Forget Me Not @thecivilwars

: Waiting for @thecivilwars

: Red eyed jeeper

: Silver Bell

: Hashbrowns.

: Christmas Bulb

: Buds

: Tree.

: Pew-neral Fyre

: Out of practice.

: Billie Jean

: Loving’ @milogreen this eve

: Us.

: Waiting for @thecivilwars

: My wonderful date tonight.

: Frozen Rose

: crowderband So excited to see you guys, but kinda sad you guys are ending an amazing run.

: The culprit: a broken right hinge on my trusty 1st gen MBA

: Current Status.

: Mornin’

: Last rose before winter?

: My girls watching wayang

: Wayang battle

: More wayang

: Wayang puppetry

: A heckalot o’ potatoes

: ?

: Scuba Bear Loves Coffee

: Fire in the Marshall fields building

: Flowers

: Bean

: Current status.

: Big hands.

: Yep. An escalator in McD’s.

: Current status.

: City Hall

: Pickwick.

: A B C …

: Fun.

: Merdeka!

: Current status.

: Hello Fish!

: Boy am I ever glad I scurried home to put the top on.

: Satepalooza

: Morning Coffee

: Morning news and coffee

: Drawing

: More Bubbles

: Bubbles

: Pooltime

: Brand Spanking New Notebook Day!!

: Yep

: Perspective

: Uh

: Woohoo!!

: Twist

: Eager

: Joy

: Woohoo!

: Climb2

: Climb

: Swing3

: Swing2

: Swing

: Woohoo

: Peekaboo

: Chance

: Slide

: Slide

: Play

: Ice cream


: Pastor Ari preaching the Gospel

: Swinging

: Dinosaur


: Goodnight, Papa

: Butterflies

: jarsofclay and @brandonheath answering q’s